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All DepartmentsYoga Teacher TrainerSearch Elizabeth HoffmannFounder Lizzy Hoffmann is the Director of Urban Bliss Yoga which she founded in 2006 in North Carolina. Her first yoga teacher was her mother, who taught her this ancient science in the late 1960’s and 1970’s. Her mom studied with gurus like Muktananda, Satchitananda, and Roy Eugene Davis, and opened…

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Elizabeth HoffmannFounderElizabeth Brittany UrbanskyLead Yoga Teacher TrainerBrittany UrbanskyLead Yoga Teacher Lori Gross Yoga Teacher TrainerYoga Teacher TrainerLori Gross Yoga Teacher TrainerYoga Teacher Trainerlori.gross86@gmail.com954-520-5767 Delvys CardenasYoga Teacher TrainerDelvys CardenasYoga Teacher Pauline PeraltaYoga Teacher TrainerPauline PeraltaYoga Teacher Sheila SagerSheila Sager Micheal SinclairYoga Teacher TrainerMicheal SinclairYoga Teacher Trainerms@michealsinclair.com864-923-8262Charlotte Teresita Tamaharini VancioYoga Teacher TrainerTeresita Tamaharini…


Elizabeth HoffmannFounder Lizzy Hoffmann is the Director of Urban Bliss Yoga which she founded in 2006 in North Carolina. Her first yoga… Read MoreElizabeth HoffmannFounder Lizzy Hoffmann is the Director of Urban Bliss Yoga which she founded in 2006 in North Carolina. Her first yoga teacher was her mother, who taught her this ancient science in the…